
Di-O-Matic releases Voice-O-Matic v2 (Maya Edition)

modelingDi-O-Matic announces that Voice-O-Matic (Maya Edition) the automatic lip sync solution for Maya new version 2.0 has been released. Voice-O-Matic (Maya Edition) is a powerful, easy-to-use plug-in which automates the lip synchronization process for your animated CG characters directly in Autodesk Maya. It works with any type of character setup and with virtually any language. Voice-O-Matic has already earned its stripes with its use in leading feature films, popular television shows, commercials and award winning video games. Some of the most admired CG franchises including Batman, Spider-man and Superman sport what Voice-O-Matic can achieve.

LWCAD 4.2 is out

modelingLWCAD is a top set of add-on modeling plugins for LightWave 3D. Core of this package contains a complete set of standard CAD tools with the most advanced osnap engine. It equips your favorite modeling program with the countless features normally available only in expensive CAD applications. Latest versions contains some revolutionary features as a real-time curve booleans or real-time polygons drilling which are absolutely unique in the industry. Also new set of archiviz tools which is specially designed for creating architecture. It allows user to create a complex building in a few minutes. Those new features will push you into another modeling dimension.



cebas Releases thinkingParticles 5 Trial Version

modelingcebas announces the release of its thinkingParticles 5 Trial Version – offering thinkingParticles users the opportunity to experience the great new features added to this state-of-the-art particles too.

A novelty by description – Release 5 introduces, for the first time ever, a dedicated true soft body rope and vehicle dynamics system that is purely procedural. Special effects like tearing ropes or cables, cars driving in a city or a forensic crash simulation - all this can now be done with one affordable and powerful special effects tool.

Imagination announces Caustic Visualizer for Maya

mayaImagination Technologies has unveiled Caustic Visualizer: a new interactive viewport rendering plugin for Maya, developed using the PowerVR Brazil SDK. Imagination will be demonstrating Caustic Visualizer’s highly interactive full-frame performance on the new PowerVR low-power ray tracing hardware reference platform.

Imagination’s Caustic Visualizer family revolutionizes the performance and functionality of the interactive visual look development process by making ray-traced photorealistic rendering, from the start, an integral part of the content creation work flow.

RayFire 1.58.04 is released

modelingUpdate for RayFire 1.58 plugin for 3ds Max has been released. This version brings support for PhysX plugin 2.86, support for using Concave simulation meshes for Dynamic and Sleeping objects and also Particle Flow support, which allows to convert particles to objects and simulate them after their death.

In this version there are also chnges with Modified Material Preset list. Now there are 5 less materials in Preset list. If you already have scene with set up, make sure you have the same materials after update. Now you need only to pick Material, if you need to edit it's density, friction or bounciness you can do this in new Material Presets rollout. In next build it will be possible to add new Materials in preset. Also there is new Solidity property for materials which allows tomake objects harder or easier to break during Interactive Demolition.