3D-Sphere Material Library for 3DsMax

Material Library 3DsMaxBecause our tutorials are featuring also materials and rendering setup we decided to build or own library and use this library in the final step of the tutorials where we apply materials to the model and render. This library should save us and you time by watching the tutorials and also it will provide a base of basic material which you can use in other render. The materials are simple and we are sure that users can do better or they can download better from some other source, but this is not the main reason for the library, the main reason is to cut off the time by rendering in our tutorials.

So far the library is built from materials made using A&D, Mental Ray, Raytrace and others featuring materials like Wood, Glass, Metal, Plastic and more. The material library would be updated from time to time and the current release would be noticed below. The gallery below demonstrates some materials in the library.


Release: 23.11.2011 - new textures & materials


3D-Sphere Administrators

3D Sphere mat.zip [70.68Mb]
Uploaded Monday, 27 March 2023 by Administrator