3D Tutorials

How to create a miniature effect in Photoshop

How to create a miniature effect in Photoshop

An old but still great effect which makes rea-life objects on a photo look miniature. We will basically apply a tilt-shift effect to a photo and try to make it look like a picture made by toys while applying and creating a miniature effect. Instead of creating a video tutorial I decided to create an HTML or pure TEXT only tutorial, so let’s see how it will end. Some theory about this technique is bellow but for us is important how to achieve this effect using Photoshop, I believe in any version. First step is also the most important; choose an appropriated photo for this manipulation. The effect can’t be applied to any photo and thus you have to search for a reference picture which was taken from a distance with wide view. What will be on the picture is up to you and because applying the effect is quite quick, you can experiment with various photos. For this example I choose the most simply photo I could, a photo taken from a football match, how nice! The beauty by this is that it already looks like a cartoon :).

Modelling a leather chair in 3ds max

Modelling a leather chair in 3ds max

There is a quite a lot of tutorials about modelling a chair or an armchair, I believe so, but I anyway decided to create this tutorial about modelling a leather chair in 3ds max.  The tutorial could be compared to the tutorial about modelling the egg chair with the exception that this model is more difficult to do. The chair consists from the base, a second unit for legs and leather “pillows”. The last mentioned object is the most challenging in this part because creating or trying to create this kind of shapes without using any “z-whatever” additional software or plugin is difficult. However, I believe that the final result became good. The tutorial, as mentioned before, is about modelling a leather chair and all of this using a reference picture I found on the net. As by other tutorials where we are modelling an object according a reference we will start by placing our reference pictures inside 3ds Max environment. Because we was and we are modelling in real world scale we have to set-up our environment to corresponding units and replace the standard generic units with something we used before, in our case European metric units. After everything is in place we will start modelling the base of the chair using the poly-modelling technique. In short, we will use a base object which we transform using the tools available inside 3ds max to the shape we want to. The decision of the initial primitive shape is up to us but we should try to choose something which is similar to the final shape we want to. Using every kind of hocus pocus we will model the base shape, the second object and as well the leather pillows using only tools available inside 3ds max.

Modelling a home theatre system in 3ds Max

Modelling a home theatre system in 3ds Max

In this tutorial we will continue modelling objects for our interior and model a home theatre system using reference pictures. These objects will be used later by creating and building our interior at the end of this section. The system is made from a subwoofer, main unit, DVD player and speakers. By modelling all these objects we will focus on the details and areas on these objects which would be visible by our renders. Taking thins into account we will not model everything and every small detail, but focus only on the parts which we need for our render. As by other tutorials where we are modelling an object according a reference we will start by placing our reference pictures inside 3ds Max environment. Because we was and we are modelling in real world scale we have to set-up our environment to corresponding units and replace the standard generic units with something we used before, in our case European metric units. After placing our reference pictures we will start the modelling process by studying, deciding and choosing the right method and starting element. In our case the starting element would be a box and the poly-modelling technique. Using the poly-modelling technique we will start to edit the geometry and transform the simple box into a model which replicates the one on the reference image. Keeping in mind our conditions we set at the beginning we will focus and create details only on the visible parts of the objects although some details would be made on other parts. Using the technique and method as before we will create all the objects from which the system is made.

Making of Elektrobot by Sait Bakırcı

Making of Elektrobot by Sait BakırcıSait Bakırcı shared with us the construction stages of his work on a project called ElectroBot. If you would like to contact Sait Bakırcı, use the contact information on the bottom of this article.  I have been working on for a while and have finally completed it. The Transformers movie was my childhood hero. I would watch it with great joy and passion. Sometimes I would even imagine that my toy cars would eventually change into robots. Other times, I would take apart my toys (the motor, wires, tires, etc.) and use these parts as arms and legs and connect them with rubber bands to make my own robots.

When the series’ first came out in 2007, myself and many others were captivated by the fact that the movie was supported with today's visual effects. I was inspired by the movie and told myself that no matter what I need to have my own robot, I need to design a robot and I eventually started my project.

Modelling different screwdrivers using 3ds Max

Modelling different screwdrivers using 3ds Max

Screwdrivers belong between the objects which are used daily in our life and could be called common. In this tutorial I decided to model three different types of screwdrivers where every single one has a different handle and a different tip. The objects are quite simple but they are ideal for modelling practice. At first we will place our reference images inside 3ds Max and prepare the environment for modelling. For proper rendering we will change the units with which we are working from generic one to centimetres. By all three screwdrivers we will start our modelling process from a primitive which will serve as a starting piece. In our case and because all screwdrivers have a cylindrical shape, our starting primitive is a simple cylinder with a small amount of sides. The small amount of sides will allows us to properly control the screwdriver shape and his details. After fitting our primitive on our reference image we will convert the object to „editable poly“ and start using the editable-poly technique for modelling all details on our screwdriver. Using the functions such as loop, connect, extrude, bevel and similar we will achieve a smooth and identical model as on our reference images. Because our model is modelled from a cylinder with small amount of sides, at the end we will use a smoothing modifier to smooth our model.

bt screwdriver max files.zip [4.32Mb]
Uploaded Monday, 27 March 2023 by Administrator
bt screwdriver textures.zip [3.25Mb]
Uploaded Monday, 27 March 2023 by Administrator