cebas announces compatibility its plugins with 3ds Max 2013

modelingcebas Visual Technology Inc. announced the release of its legendary volumeBreaker, ScalpelMAX, stairMAX and maxVR.qt plug-ins for 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design 2013.

3ds Max 2013 for volumeBreaker™, ScalpelMAX™, stairMAX™ and maxVR.qt™ are all free to download and can be acquired by registered users via cebas Autoupdate or purchase the products directly from the cebas Store.

volumeBreaker™is a volumetric geometry-fracturing tool that will instantly create sub-geometry within any mesh - geometry that perfectly fits together and fills any given volume.

ScalpelMAX™is an object modifier. It is offering advanced slicing functionality with many specialized features. ScalpelMAX is perfect for users who are looking to create complex CAD visualizations with polygon counts above 100.000.

stairMAX™is at the advanced stair builder plug-in which lets you create parametric stairs and escalators from within 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design. Every single stair parameter can be animated as stairMAX uses a 100% parametric approach to create 3D stairs.

maxVR.qt™lets you easily create QuickTime MOV files for the web or CD-ROM presentations. It is licensed and distributed by Apple. You can create QuickTime Panorama files and also QuickTime Object files.

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