cebas Releases thinkingParticles 5 Trial Version

modelingcebas announces the release of its thinkingParticles 5 Trial Version – offering thinkingParticles users the opportunity to experience the great new features added to this state-of-the-art particles too.

A novelty by description – Release 5 introduces, for the first time ever, a dedicated true soft body rope and vehicle dynamics system that is purely procedural. Special effects like tearing ropes or cables, cars driving in a city or a forensic crash simulation - all this can now be done with one affordable and powerful special effects tool.

There are also a lot of smaller features, including a new ‘egg timer’ node to control nonlinear animations, plus the usual performance enhancements. Cebas claims that redraw speed in the Nitrous viewport is now 30-100 times faster than with thinkingParticles 4.

The version comes with few limitations that are mostly production environment and rendering related features, as well as, no time restrictions - affirming cebas' drive to constantly provide its customers with the appropriate learning environment and tools.

Restrictions in this Trial version include:

  • 3ds Max 2013 Support, only 
  • Particles can't be rendered
  • Meshes can’t be created except for view port display
  • Materials are not supported for rendering output
  • Particle caching is unavailable for the Trial Version
  • Physics Simulation caching is not supported
  • thinkingParticles scenes can't be saved
  • Black Boxes can't be saved
  • 3rd Party plug-in support is unavailable for the Trial Version
  • Particles can't be exported
  • External Particle is not available (Mesher/Snapshot)
  • NVIDIA PhysX is unavailable for the Trial Version
  • TD-Tool support for creating tP Particle Systems is not available

New users must register first to gain access. Current users will find their Trial versions automatically in their cebas Autoupdate.


Spline Ropes thinkingParticles 5

For register or download  visit: cebas