RayFire 1.58.04 is released

modelingUpdate for RayFire 1.58 plugin for 3ds Max has been released. This version brings support for PhysX plugin 2.86, support for using Concave simulation meshes for Dynamic and Sleeping objects and also Particle Flow support, which allows to convert particles to objects and simulate them after their death.

In this version there are also chnges with Modified Material Preset list. Now there are 5 less materials in Preset list. If you already have scene with set up, make sure you have the same materials after update. Now you need only to pick Material, if you need to edit it's density, friction or bounciness you can do this in new Material Presets rollout. In next build it will be possible to add new Materials in preset. Also there is new Solidity property for materials which allows tomake objects harder or easier to break during Interactive Demolition.

New Build is available in Demo versions on website, in Customer areas and via About\Update menu if you have 1.58 already installed.

Particle Flow support

For more info visit:  RayFire Studio