
3D Creative #80 is out


Already cover image show us, what we can expected from new issue of 3DCreative. Cover image presents an upcoming tutorial which topic is human busts. In this issue starts a project where you can compare two different technics how to create this stunning image. First Rodrigue Pralie will be showing us how to create this image using 3ds Max, while Anto Juricic will be showing us how to do the same using Maya. In this issue they get the ball rolling by showing us how to create our base model. 

Creating Stylized Females in 3ds Max Tutorial by Digital-Tutors

modelingDigital-Tutors presents a preview of their new april`stutorial in 3ds Max which is focused on Creating females. Throughout the tutorial members will learn essential tools and techniques needed to create a stylized female. It is full of tips for creating exaggerated proportions and features. Stylized characters as a whole can have their own sets of challenges but in this tutorial you’ll learn the essential techniques on how to overcome these types of challenges. This upcoming tutorial includes over eight hours of training. 

Modeling Human Anatomy in 3ds Max - eBook


When creating a model of a human character you have to know how you are going to produce accurate anatomy. As humans we spend a lot of time looking at people and for this reason we are all very talented at spotting mistakes, or anatomy that doesn’t quite look right. A good model can easily be spoiled by an incorrectly modeled feature, such as a hand, or an ear. In this eBook we will be shown how to model some of the tricky features that regularly cause artists problems, and hopefully awkward looking anatomy will be a thing of the past.



Magazine CODE:FREE issue 4 is out

modelingCODE:FREE is an open source and free software art magazine. On 73 pages you can find 52 artworks 1 painting-tutorial and 1 software review of the cool online-painting tool Harmony. Magazine is focused on open source softwares. This time we can find artwoks made by using Inkscape, GIMP, Krita, LibreOffice, Scribus, Alchemy, Mypaint and Blender. Whole contain is divided in following section to better comperating the artworks. There are vectorworks, paintings, Photoediting,  3D creation. 

One of the biggest competitions is here


The CGStudentAwards "formerly Computer Graphics Student Awards" is an annual event which showcases and rewards excellence in computer graphics from students and recent graduates. To date, the event has already helped kick-start the careers of 11 digital artists. Now is able to enter again. Qualified students at schools from all over the world are encouraged to submit their Demo Reel to our judging panel and compete for prizes and internships at the world's leading production studios.

The event is now open to all students and recent graduates from around the world. Event is split the event into three clear categories: Student of the Year, Studio Internships, and School of the Year. All entries are automatically entered into the Student of the Year category.
