
Project Photofly 2.0

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Project Photofly 2.0 is technologic preview of automaticly coverting phorographs shoot around objects or scenes in the photorealistic 3D models. It harnesses the power of cloud computing to translate photos into detailed 3D models. The 3D models can be manipulated through professional design software or free design applications like Autodesk's 123D. These models can be shared through YouTube, iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.

Motion capture data BVH tools and files

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Portal published very interesting article, where describe some tools and features and availability of them as well. So if you are interesting in using motion capture data this can be very useful. Including this article are links to sites where you can get these useful tool as well as see thedemo video.


Source and original article:

LumenRT available for SketchUp

Default picture e-onE-on software released new product LumenRT for the visualization of architectural projects in real-time 3D with photo-real illumination.  Thanks to this product architects don’t have to choose between real-time visualization and high-quality images. This product is available for both Free and Professional version of SkecthUp. Accurate lighting, shadows and reflections are an essential component of most architectural projects. LumenRT captures all the subtleties of natural illumination by performing a physically accurate simulation of the light in the scene which produces vivid, life-like results.

Cheetah 5.7 for MAC released

Default picture 3D-SphereCheetah 3D is a MAC OS X based 3D modeling software which provide the most useful features and a user friendly interface that's powerful, intuitive and quick to work with. Few days ago a new version came out where the biggest change was completely rewritten preferences window. It supports now, binding of almost 200 commands and custom Javascripts to hotkeys, customizing tools and much more.

Realflow upgrade 30% off

DEfault picture pluginRealflow offers a special offer for customers which want to upgrade they Realflow licenses to v5. By this you will get 30% off, this offer is avaiable via the customer service. If you know how much cost this awesome plugin\software you can count that this offer is valueable. 

Source and full article: Realflow
