Shape Magic 2.1 for free

Defaul picture 3D-SphereRecently ShapeMagic 2.1 became a freeware and you download it from the developer page. ShapeMagic was a commercial program which was sold on 3D Commune store until 2009 when the site was closed. The developer decided to reopen his work and now he transformed the commercial product to a freeware which you can download from his web page. He also made available few more tools which he wrote lately in 2001-2003. If you want, check it out.

“Shape Magic and most of these additional programs were developed using HyperStudio 4. A copy of the free HyperStudio 4 Player is included for use with these programs. HyperStudio requires the use of Quicktime. If you do not have Quicktime, it will be installed as part of the player installation. If you do not want Quicktime on your system, you will not be able to use Shape Magic.“


Download page and source: ShapeMagic
