
RealFlow used in Warsteiner advertisment

RealFlowNHB Video GmBH a company focused on digital post production in Germany used RealFlow by their last work on an advertisement for Warsteiner. The task for this advertisement was to create a „perfect wave“. In the case study NHB explains that they wanted to create a specific wave with a specific height, power and dynamic. Parameters like gravity, viscosity, wind, aerodynamic drag, the size of the water basin and the route the bottle is taking, had to be developed. They had to do a lot of tests to achieve at the end the desired effect and result.

Exocortex Momentum 3 is now available

3dsmaxThe latest update of this high speed multiphysics simulator, is now immediately available for Autodesk Softimage 2010, 2011 and 2012 for both Windows and Linux. Momentum 3 adds massive new features in the area of fracturing , simulation control , quality rendering and workflow. Other new features include 2D and 3D motion blur, UV generation for interior faces created during fracturing, completely revamped plotting engine and a long list of tweaks and polishes. 

Bitmap2Material from Allegorithmic

Bitmap2Material Earlier by releasing 3DsMax 2011 Autodesk presented a new way to create realistic materials in 3DsMax called “Substance”. Substance it’s a new texturing format loaded in a small files containing multi-output maps such as Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Bump, etc. Allegorithmic created a new material into 3DsMax taking advantage of substance called Bitmap2Material. Bitmap2Material is an incredibly powerful filter that can help you generate seamlessly tiling materials from any bitmap image directly in all compatible solutions.

New PhysX Plugin 2.61 is released


NVIDIA has finally released updated version of PhysX plug-in for 3ds Max. New major 2.7 version of the PhysX plug-in is still in development, so this minor 2.6+ release is supposed to resolve compability issues with RayFire, and also add support for 3ds Max 2012. In this case, plug-in installs above default MassFX simulation tool, replacing it and providing additional features, like support for APEX Clothing (and if you’ll uninstall PhysX plug-in, MassFX will be restored). 

Populate:Terrain 1.0 released


Populate:Terrain is a scripted plugin for Autodesk 3dsmax by Marc Lorenz. It assists in creating and optimizing terrain surfaces from contour lines or from existing meshes. The quad based output allows for easier later remodeling. The result is always standard 3dsmax geometry, so there are no issues with future 3dsmax versions, exchanging scene files or using 3rd party renderers. It is fully compatibility with Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 to 2012 (32 and 64 bit). and it is FREE!


