3DsMax 2012 Service Pack details

Default picture 3D-SphereAutodesk is planning to release a Service Pack for his new 3DsMax 2012 in the middle of June. The fixes would be mainly focused on Nitrous and Cat, but will fix many other things. „This is one of the largest SPs we've done“. So, all Max users should be happy that soon a lot of fixes will come.


Some of the planned fixes:


·  3dsmax.mat library missing from installer

·  Bad wording in MassFX Dialog

·  CAT: CAT inherit Position/Rotation is incorrect when creating absolute layer ( incorrect 90 degree offset,)

·  CAT: CAT with motion layer added to container will crash

·  CAT: changing rig structure crashes max

·  CAT: Cloning rig elements could crash

·  CAT: Collarbone rotations are inherited (by the arm bone) incorrectly in SetupMode

·  CAT: Crash cloning CAT parent with motion layer that rt click cancelling

·  CAT: Crash loading 2010 scene

·  CAT: Crash undoing animation

·  CAT: CRASH undoing with trackview open and motion layer

·  CAT: Crash when working with a leg with no palm/ankle

·  CAT: Digit issues: Crash undoing num digits change, digits width/depth scale per seg (not per-digit)

·  CAT: Extra node interface is not available from the CATParentTrans

·  CAT: Globals track view button freezes zelda

·  CAT: Having transform gizmo active in Nitrous caused CAT motion panel ui to strobe

·  CAT: Improve CAT Notification system

·  CAT: Improve CAT Notification system: Mirrorring of saved pose causes rig to mess up

·  CAT: NITROUS: Custom Foot roll rig hangs 3dsmax in Nitrous display

·  CAT: Old rig files with segmented limb bones have the 2nd bone parented to the wrong segment


Source and full article: Autodesk
