Autodesk release new 3d applications, that is possible to download. There are 123D Catch and 123D Make. 123D Catch is free beta software, which allows you to turn photos into 3D models. Powerful photo stitching technology is generating high-quality 3D models from photos made with any standard digital point-and-shoot camera. 123D Catch is available for Windows. Autodesk 123D Make Technology Preview turns 3D model into a pattern of flat parts that can be cut and assembled into an artful creation.
Select a built-in 3D model or import your own, then choose a construction technique. 2D vector cut patterns and animated assembly instructions are automatically generated. Print your 2D parts and cut them out by hand, with a laser cutter, or have your cut parts delivered straight to your doorstep. 123D Make is available for Mac OSX.
123D Catch
123D Make
Source: Autodesk 123D