
Increase your chance of getting a job


This offer is primary for talented Terragen 2 artist with experiences or someone with serious interest in gaining such experience. Planetside Software gets requests from people looking for skilled Terragen 2 artists. As an answer on this request they started a Terragen referral program. Idea of this program is creating a referral list, where project manager can looking for candidates and artists can offer their services. 

Win a Corel Painter 12


Digital artist magazine has teamed up with Corel to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Painter and the release of the latest version, Painter 12. On this occasion they started a contest, in which is possible win one of five copies of the standard edition or one of five copies of the 20th anniversary limited edition of Corel Painter 12 - complete with a Wacom pen. 

Making of The Warehouse 3DTotal

Photoshop makingofJuraj Molcak was asked by 3DTotal.com to make a „making of“ of his new image called „The Warehouse“ which won an Excellence Award in their Concept Art category. Juraj made this image not for commercial purpose but as a training to practice his skills and used for it Photoshop and Corel Painter. In the making of he describes his first ideas for the image and also his idea to merge a real environment with a digital paining in Photoshop. He took a real image of a warehouse with as he said „industrial environment“ which was fitting to his idea with both lightning and colors. In the making of he describes next his workflow from starting a sketch in Corel Painter.

Inspired Visions Global Rendering & Animation Competition


This competition is for everyone such as design professional such as student design. All designers can join to one of three following categories: Rendering with Cinema 4D, Animation with Cinema 4D or Rendering with Renderworks 2011. The winner in each category will receive a $2,500 USD Visa gift card. Multiple submissions are allowed, but note that all submissions must be done in the newest versions of software, and all CINEMA 4D renderings and animations must be built on a Vectorworks model. 

Free chapter from Digital Art Master vol. 5

modelingPortal 3Dtotal released a book in to the series The Digital Art Master: Volume 5. This is the fifth book in the series and it’s featuring articles and work from 60 talented artists working in the Computer Graphic industry. This is common knowledge for everyone from CG world. But now 3Dtotal is giving away a sample chapter of six pages from the book and you can download it, for FREE! 
