New material library sneak peek

Material library sneak peek	We already announced few times the launching of the new material library here at 3D-Sphere and we really hoped that everything will go smooth and we would be able to launch it during the last month. As usually not all things were getting smooth and we have to postpone the launch of the new library to the time we would be sure that everything is prepared. However, to tell a bit more about the prepared library we can introduce the idea we are working on. The idea is actually very simple, to start a download library with materials which are used in the tutorials or can be used anywhere else. The library would be divided into two render engine sections; MentalRay and V-Ray and both of them will contain several sections for materials. We are aware that for V-Ray and as well MentalRay similar „libraries“ already exist but we want to place them under one roof and probably extend this for other renderers in the future. Together with the materials also some other downloads would be present inside the library, some related to the materials and some none.

The system we choose for the library fulfils almost all our needs and during the time we were searching and testing several systems we needed to accept also a system which doesn’t fulfil all our needs. The system allows not only the downloading of the materials or files but also the uploading from the side of the user and also some other features which are crucial for a library like this. The system doesn’t meet our requirements in the field of displaying the materials where right now the only option to display them is one after another, but I hope some “column” update for displaying would be made in the future.

Together with the right system we were creating also the render templates which would be used for rendering the materials from our side or from the user side if he decide to contribute to the library. So far MentalRay and V-Ray scenes are done for 3ds Max and a sneak peek how they will look is below. We hope that you will like the system and also take the benefit of contributing new materials.