
Upcoming tutorials on 3D-Sphere

3DsMax tutorialsWe are working hard on new tutorials and here is a small „sneak peek“ about few of them. If you already saw any of our tutorials give us your feedback. This kind of information is essential for us if we should improve something, if just the video quality or other stuff we would be happy to read your feedback. If you want to leave feedback to our tutorials, join our forum. But back to the “sneak peek”, the first picture in the gallery at the bottom of this article shows the next tutorial which would be published at the end of this week. The tutorial is about modeling a mobile phone, we will not tell which one so far, but we think most of you already know. The tutorial will include also materials and rendering for the final image and as well some Photoshop work.

The second picture shows a new tutorial for a new section here on 3D-Sphere which will be called „Interior“. In this section we will focus on all kinds of object which are needed to render a full interior scene using models which we will do. The first tutorial in this section would be about modeling different kinds of lamps, adding details and modeling with using subdivision and as well just smooth modifier. Like this we will build our own „model“ library which we will use later.

The last picture shows our largest and longest tutorial so far. It’s about modeling a weapon using a reference and using a poly-modeling technique in 3DsMax. The tutorial is focused on different kinds of modeling aspects such as modeling the model for using just the smooth modifier but also able to use meshsmooth. The tutorial include a lot of tricks of adding details, advices and lots more and will be released at the break of July and August.

If anyone would like to suppose some tutorial which he would like to see, just join our forum and let us know. We can’t promise that we will do it, but you can give it a shot. You can access the forum using the link at the top and at the left.

3D-Sphere Administrators