The Foundry announced the releasing of the digital painting tool MARI 1.4. Designed from the ground up to meet the needs of the most demanding VFX texture and matte painting artists, MARI out performs speed, flexibility and processing capabilities. MARI is capable of handling a huge amount of pixel and allows artists to concentrate on painting detailed, multi-layered textures directly onto 3D models in a fluid and natural way. The new version introduce Adobe® Photoshop® layered PSD import and export functionality, OpenColorIO, triplanar projection and masked filters.
Designed to speed up workflows, standardise colour management, and be even easier to use and more flexible than ever before, MARI 1.4 is an ideal tool for every artist in your pipeline. MARI has been central to some of the toughest and most demanding CGI projects of recent times, including: Avatar and District 9. A short video about the new features included in MARI 1.4 you can watch below and for more information visit the link at the end of this article.
Source and full article: TheFoundry