V-Ray supports 3ds Max 2014

V-Ray supports 3ds Max 2014Chaos Group released a new service pack for V-Ray updating it to Build 2.40.04. V-Ray 2.0 for 3ds Max is a fast rendering solution, which combines the power of the distinguished V-Ray rendering engine with the flexibility and unprecedented speed of the interactive rendering system V-Ray RT, now running on GPUs. The new service pack adds the compatibility with Autodesk 3ds Max 2014, brings new features, enhancements and bug fixes. Between the most interesting new features belongs already mentioned support for 3ds Max 2014 and the support of Phoenix FD 2.1 for V-Ray RT. Also, the new service pack further improves the integration between V-Ray and MultiScatter allowing the user to effectively render millions of polygons of instanced geometry with V-Ray RT. Chaos Group decided to change the default settings of VFB’s sRGB button, “Don’t affect colors” option and “Gamma” value to build a Linear Workflow from the beginning. Some changes were made also by materials and shaders in this new build where a displacement channel was added to VRayCarPaint. The update is free of charge for all V-Ray 2.0 customers.

To know more about the new features and enhancements implemented inside the new build follow the link at the bottom of this article.

Bug fixes:

  • VRayProxy: Objects pointing to vrmesh files without extension did not render;
  • V-Ray RT: Fixed crash when a texmap is attached to an disabled environment override slot;
  • V-Ray RT: Fixed error during initialization when Auto update bitmaps is enabled;
  • V-Ray RT: Fixed wrong DOF with physical camera;
  • V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed crash with materials with mapped IOR;
  •  VRayIESLight: Fixed issue causing wrong override shape dimensions when loading, if the previous scene had different units setup;
  • VRayMultiSubTex: Fixed issue preventing drag and drop operations for subtex with index greater than 20;
  • VRayPTex: Fixed a crash at the end of a rendering;
  • V-Ray Light Lister: Fixed error in 3ds Max 2014;

More information at: Chaos Group