Di-O-Matic plugins now compatible with 3Ds Max 2013

Di-O-MaticDi-O-Matic announced on their website immediately availability a new series of Di-O-Matic plugins compatible with the latest 3ds max release from Autodesk: 3ds max 2013. Cluster-O-Matic v1.8, Facial Studio v2.4 (3ds max Edition) and Morph ToolKit v1.8 are now available for all registered users with an active support package. Registered users with an expired support package can simply renew their support package to get access to the latest version.

Cluster-O-Matic is a powerful selection modifier for 3ds max which allows you to create advanced soft-selections and then animate them with ease. Whether you are looking for a more versatile selection system or seeking to create complex selections to be used with the Hercules deformation modifier, you cannot go wrong with production proven Cluster-O-Matic.

Facial Studio is not just a modelling tool, rather a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help you achieve better facial animation in less time than ever before. From modelling to muscle-based deformations, including texture map libraries and much more, Facial Studio does it all with an intuitive interface that will have you creating amazing heads in only minutes.

Facial Studio features more than 500 controls covering the entire 3D head creation process. Deform anything from eyes, nose and mouth to head shape, including teeth and tongue. Modify head symmetry, ethnicity and gender as you please.

Reduce the time you spend on morph target creation with Morph ToolKit, a collection of tools designed to enhance and accelerate the morph target creation process in 3ds max. Morph ToolKit users claim that they are trimming more than 45% off the time it used to take them to create morph targets.

For more details visit: Di-O-Matic
