Golaem Crowd 1.4 is out

Golaem announces Golaem Crowd 1.4, the latest update to its crowd simulation software for Autodesk Maya. Creating visually compelling and believable crowds for movies, where budgets are shrinking and timescales are getting shorter, can be a challenge. It is not only important to represent the crowd behavior as a whole, but the appearance and motions of each individual must be believable. Golaem Crowd 1.4 now includes support for Mental Ray procedural rendering, geometry instancing, as well many others improvements. Geometry instancing brings the ability to declare characters as geometry instances in order to allow rendering thousands of entities with amazing performances.

Golaem Crowd is compatible with Autodesk Maya 2011, 2012 and 2013 for Windows and Linux.

Golaem Crowd has recently been used by award-winning Zoic Studios to meet the timing and quality challenge of crowds in episodic productions. According to Mike Romey, Pipeline Supervisor, “Golaem Crowd allowed us to speed up production and meet our clients visual and cost expectations. Artists quickly flock to Golaem Crowd because of its complementary interface to Maya and ease of use.”


French award-winning VFX studio Mikros Image also used new Geometry Instancing technique to fill a stadium in the last Nissan Juke commercial.


For more details visit: Golaem
