e-on software ships Ozone 6

e-on software Ozone6Yesterday e-on software the leader in light and nature technologies announced the immediately availability of a new version of Ozone 6, its atmospheric plugin for 3ds Max, Maya, Softimage, Cinema4D, and LightWave, together with the Ozone 6 Personal Learning Edition. Ozone 6 uses the Spectral 3™ cutting-edge technologies developed by e-on software for the simulation and rendering of atmospheric effects. Like this it’s able to accurately simulated environment that affects all scene elements and behaves according to nature’s rules.

The result is ultra-realistic environments with volumetric clouds, accurate light dispersion and natural phenomena such as Godrays. The user of Ozone 5 can upgrade their version to the new Ozone 6 for $95 and by RenderNode network for $95 per node. Bellow you can see some main features of Ozone 6 and also a small gallery of the plugin in use.


Prime technologies in Ozone 6 include:

 - Interactive Cloud Control:
New in Ozone 6 is the ability to handle cloud layers like regular objects. Users can move, rotate or resize them interactively using the host application's standard manipulation gizmos directly inside the host application’s interface.

- Localized Cloud Layers:
On top of the ability to move cloud layers around interactively using the gizmos, Ozone 6 lets the user "extract" portions of the cloud layers. Parts of a cloud layer can now be easily isolated and moved around to another location!

- Enhanced Atmosphere Preview:
The atmosphere editor in Ozone 6 can now be resized in order to increase the size of the preview giving the end user unprecedented visual control on his cloud layer.

- And more...


Availibility of Ozone 6:

- Ozone 6 for Maya (2008 to 2012) works with MentalRay, Maya software and V-Ray renderers.

- Ozone 6 for 3ds Max (2008 to 2012) works with MentalRay and V-Ray renderers.

- Ozone 6 for Softimage (XSI 7 to Softimage 2012) works with MentalRay.

- Ozone 6 for LightWave (9.3 to 11) and Cinema4D (R11 to R13) works with the native renderer.



More information at: e-on software
