GrowFX 1.6.0 plugin from exlevel announced compatibility with 3DsMax 2012 for both 32-it and 64-bit version. With this version also some improvements came such as, new option called Use Vertex Color in Surface distributor, it is possible to scale objects used in Instanced geometry, minor bugs are fixed ...
Source and full article: exlevel
Also plugins from Afterworks are now compatible with new released Max and already availible for download for Afteworks users. FumeFX 2.1c and AfterBurn 4.0d should be released for 32-bit and 64-bit systems with full compatibility.
New in FumeFx 2.1:
· FumeFX now supports fully interactive simulations. This means that user can change almost every parameter during the simulation and see it's influence on the simulation result. It is even possible to change channels that will be saved to the output file, or to move objects and change their parameters.
· Version 2.1 introduces Variable Density solver that uses smoke density and temperature as variables. The result of this addition is increased physical realism, where cold air and dense smoke will have stronger inertia compared to the hot air and lower density smoke.
· New is also the CFL condition parameter that directly controls the number of simulation steps. This is the value that defines the maximum distance allowed for any cell data (velocity, smoke, fire, etc..) to travel in one simulation step. If velocities are bigger then defined by this condition, simulation sub steps will be initiated.
· New Advanced advection scheme that reduces dissipation.
· Default simulation uses all cores during the Wavelet Turbulence calculations, which results in significant speedup.
· finalRender 3.5 Global Iiiumination is now up to 6x faster !
· Preview Window now prints out 3ds max frame number.
· Added ability to stop/continue Retimer.
· Various bug fixes from eariler versions.
New in Afterburn 4.0:
· fixed: Object shadows are now listed when you write inside MXS listener : show $
NumSubs() now returns 2
· fixed: accessing AB Shadow Map via MXS, resulted in system exception
· fixed: AfterBurn's metaball HyperSolids render bug fix
· added: Shadow Map will now display a name of the light for which it's built
· fixed: Noise PW crash fix
· fixed: The AfterBurn Wind and VMap Daemons' rollout didn't appear in the AfterBurn UI when you select them in the Source Particles/Daemons window.
· fixed: black spots with Octane Shader
Source: Afterworks
Other plugins compatible with 3DsMax 2012:
· all plugins from Di-O-Matic
· TREE STORM 2012 plugin and Onyx2Max 2012 plugin from Onyx Computing
· Particle Flow Tools plug-ins from Orbaz Technologies
· Craft Director Studio v11.1.4 from Craft Animations