VRayScatter for Maya beta test announced

VRayScatter MayaR&D Group announced the starting of a beta test for their VRayScatter now developing for Autodesk Maya. This new product will join the features and advantages of VRayScatter and MultiScatter and bring it to Maya environment. If you have any request for this beta testing you can directly contact R&D Group at: mail(at)rendering.ru. MultiScatter is based on VrayScatter and brings the ability to work not only with V-Ray but also with MentalRay. The plugin have multi-core support and can use any available core on the machine on which the user use the plugin.

Generally the plugin is used for generating huge amount of objects in array. The video below shows the strength of the plugin.



  • - Capability of creation huge amount of objects in array (hundreds of thousands and millions)
  • - Quick render time generation of objects with optimized RAM management
  • - Random transformations (scale, rotation) of objects in array
  • - Distribution of objects based on bitmaps or procedural maps
  • - Scaling of objects based on bitmaps or procedural maps
  • - And more...

Differences from VRayScatter:

  1. Mental Ray support (geometry and Mental Proxy)
  2. Not only VrayProxy but any kind of geometry supported
  3. Many objects in one Scatter
  4. Probability texture for objects "clustering"
  5. Multithreading support in all operations including viewports
  6. Picking objects directly from a scene
  7. Materials, property and animation interactively depended to scene objects.
  8. "Help pictures" for new users (possible to switch off).
  9. Revolutionary viewport preview mode - points.
  10. And more...

Source and full article: R&D Group
