Smooth Edges script for 3DsMax

Script 3DsMaxSmooth Edges is a script for Autodesk 3DsMax 9-2012 developed by Marius Silaghi. The script gives you by poly modeling the freedom and control about your model like your vertex mesh would be a bezier shape. With this option you can easily create smooth curves and surfaces, align edges from different meshes to another, speed up your modeling and much more. According to the author the use of „Smooth Edges“ is almost anytime, if you want to model an airplane, tank, model using a blueprint or just model something in your mind you can always use this script to help you to achieve the result which you want.

The script is not free but the price is like it would be, €20, and it’s available for Autodesk 3DsMax SP1+/2008/2009/2010/2011/2012 (32 & 64). Video below shows the script in action.



