Cebas released thinkingParticles 6.3 (Subscription Drop 3)

Cebas released thinkingParticles 6.3 (Subscription Drop 3)

Cebas Visual Technology announced thinkingParticles latest Subscription Drop 3 update now available on instant download to all Subscribers. thinkingParticles is one of cebas’ flagship plugins widely known for its fully procedural and physically accurate, real world destruction and special effects simulations in the movie industry. With the new release cebas promise to deliver up to 10 times faster Cache Read/Write operations together with extended scripting functions. The new caching options and methods should dramatically speed-up the plugin using a new frame based particle cache file system which allows the storage of a cache file per frame step (TPC). This is in contrast to the already existing single file particle cache system (TPS). Cache write and read times has been optimized by a wide margin.


Per Frame Caching option thanks to the new *.tpc format, with enhanced sub-sampling option for output. Selective Cache Channels; each particle cache file can be adjusted individually for its data to be output. Hierarchy particle cache manager: adjust and control cache stacking in an easy and efficient way.


New Implicit Surfacing Options

thinkingParticles 6.3 offers two highly advanced algorithm options to create an ISO surface. Surface (6.3) brings a new method to thinkingParticles allowing for the creation of flat surfaces out of point clouds. It's the perfect tool for creating surfaces for liquids with a smooth and even surface.


New Fluid Solver Options

A new algorithm option has been added to the rollout menu; the new SPH2 method offers a much more improved and stable method to create fluids that are under larger pressure and bigger sub frame steps. While the first generation of fluid solver is still available to choose from and it offers the same great features as before; the new solver algorithm adds just more punch to the arsenal of fluid simulation effects available within thinkingParticles.


There are lots more features and enhancements inside Drop 3 like the support of direct file import and export of Alembic, new particle group right click menu option and support of render instancing for all compatible rendering engines like v-ray. Besides the new features a noticeable enhancement is bullet physics. Bullet Rope; BulletRopeData; BulletRopeImport was missing the Margin parameter and all these are now fixed.

For more information visit: cebas