thinkingParticles 6.1 ready for 3ds max 2016


After releasing of Autodesk 3ds max 2016 Cebas visual technology announced the release of thinkingParticles 6.1 compatible with the newest version of 3ds max. thinkingParticles™ is one of the leading plugins widely known for its fully procedural and physically accurate, real world destruction and special effects simulations in the movie industry. The sixth generation of thinkingParticles fully supports procedural fluid dynamics and soft body simulations and covers almost any possible scenarios of, what is known as, the "multi-physics" effect. As with every new major release, new functions and enhancements have been added to thinkingParticles. The plugin comes with a dedicated Fluid Simulation System, empowering the creation of evermore realistic and diverse on-screen fluid effects. thinkingParticles are comaptible with all 3ds max version starting at 3ds Max Design 2013 and ending at the latest release, 3ds max 2016.

cebas' goal has always been dedicated to providing designer artists and the industry of animation a holistic and all-inclusive plugin that is at once powerful, sophisticated, physically accurate and indispensable. This now has come to fruition with the unveiling of thinkingParticles 6!

Between the new features and enhancements belongs the volumeBreak Node which now supports automatic tesselation in a fully procedural way including proper re-mapping. This basically means that pieces still fitt perfectly even with high tesselation values. Next to this a new level of integrative multiphysics solvers has been introduced. The new feature allows to effectively assigning independent simulation parameters to particles right away via the physics simulation setup options.

Enhanced 6.0 GeomContact

The GeomContact operator powerfully positions outputs between selected points of objects to create connections, procedurally, thereby giving the user greater flexibility and control as the object changes in scenarios across environments, interactively stable in conjunctions with other objects.

ContactPoints Joint Creation

New Utility added to thinkingParticles 6 to enhance Joint creation combined with Physics simulation. Any number of meshes can be selected and joints placed at closest contact points between objects to simulate joint movements. Thousands of joints can be created with a few clicks instead of cumbersome clicks.

tP 6.0 Multi-Physics Fluid Solver

MultiPhysics fluid dynamics presents a breakthru in realistic simulation of water and incompressible flowing substances. Release 6.0 integrates workflow of events to a high degree of manipulation based on realistic flow effects. The MultiPhysics Fluid Solver allows for soft-bodies interacting with rigid-bodies in FlowBoundary node; inter-particle procedural joints; HydroBoat

Now, the updated version of thinkingParticles 6.1  exteneds the already powerfull features inside this plugins and allows to turn any object in 3ds max into a particle, record Dynamic Simulation for all particles, bake particles in 3ds max objects and much more. A quick overview about the features is below and for more information visit Cebas.

  • 3 tightly integrated highly optimized, industry-standards Dynamics Solver
  • Near real time soft-body Rope dynamics system
  • Advanced geometry access functions for particle systems
  • Fully Procedural Joint handling (Creation, Setting)
  • True Hierarchical Dynamics Breaking System
  • Low-Subframe Sampling Joint System with Fast Solving Speed
  • High Precision/Low Sub-Frame Sampling Rigid Body Dynamics Solver
  • Fully rule-based particle system
  • Advanced Crowd Control Feature
  • Instanced and morphable Skin or Physique Modifier support
  • Special IK handling routines for real-time Crowd Control
  • Advanced Wire Setup View for easier behavior setup
  • Real particle Paint Support (particles carry color information)
  • Extended PyroCluster support to access individual particles
  • All particle Space Warps are supported
  • Enhanced and real-time rule-based Dynamics Engine

For more information visit: cebas