
Free guide to Mudbox 2012 by DigitalTutors

Mudbox DigitalTutorsDigitalTutors published a free guide to the new release of Autodesk Mudbox 2012 called „Artist Guide To Mudbox 2012“. The training is absolutely for free and its covering the basics of working with Mudbox 2012 as well the features what the new version have. The guide is divided into 17 parts covering all aspects of work within Mudbox 2012 starting from the really basics of working with this software it will guide you through sculpting to mapping your model. The guide can be accessed and viewed at Autodesk using the link below.




·  Introduction and Course Overview

·  Getting Started with Mudbox

·  Sculpting Basics

·  Editing Stencils

·  Working with sculpt layers

·  Using vector displacement maps

·  Material and texture basics

·  Painting basics

·  Using multiple paint layers

·  Adjusting paint layers

·  UV-less painting with PTEX

·  Mudbox and Photoshop integration

·  Extracting maps in Mudbox

·  Transferring detail between meshes

·  Using the Pose tools

·  Integrating Mudbox with other 3d applications


Source and full article: DigitalTutors

Guide: Autodesk