Creating a romantic card using Photoshop

Creating a romantic card using Photoshop

Slowly but for sure the 14th November is coming and with this day also the St. Valentine’s Day. To this occasion I decided to create a romantic card using Photoshop. The initial idea was taken from s stock photo I saw inside a photo library but was not for free, so i decided to create something similar with images you can find on the web. The initial idea was to create the card with a romantic topic, in my case two swans in the shape of a heart are the carriers of this idea. After finding all images we start to edit and merge different parts of the card together. As first we will cut off and mask the swans and place them on another surface. This process will also include some fixes, creating new shadows and also creating new adjustment layers to create the final look of the swans. After this part will be finished we will place some flowers on one side of the card to raise the romantic feeling of the card even more and blend everything together.

Again, also here we will use some adjustment layers to fix some colours and get the look of the card we want. The last step we do will be placing our romantic image on a real card and so create our romantic card. The techniques we will use here are more or less common and we already used them in other tutorials.

  • Merging three images together
  • Creating a romantic card
  • Using the stamp and heal brush
  • Using the pen tool
  • Using different brushes and object
  • Color correction
  • Manipulating the image using layers and filters

  • 00:50:00

  • Photoshop (optional CS5)