Modelling Nokia 5630 using 3ds max–Part 2

Modelling Nokia 5630 using 3ds max – Part 1

In the first part of this tutorial „Modelling Nokia 5630 using 3ds max–Part 1“ we did the cover of the mobile keeping the major details such as the buttons for this part. We will start with changing the top shape of the model where we will perform some cuts and so tune the battery cover on the back to be the same as on the reference picture. Together with this we will also fix the geometry to fix the poly flow of the model. Straight after this we will continue with the front part of the phone where are placed all the buttons together with the displays. By this we will use the shape merge function to „cut“ new edges and polys inside our shape and so be able to quickly model all the buttons which the phone have. After all details are finished i will explain you how i did the textures and bump maps inside Photoshop and begin with assigning the materials id’s to the model. The textures by this are just bump maps creating a bump effect on the buttons and covers.

At the end we will use the 3D-Sphere material library which you can download from the menu on the right side of 3D-Sphere and apply the materials and textures to our model. For rendering i will use Photometric Lights and MentalRay. At the end together with the final render we will render also an Ambient & Occlusion map and do some postproduction in Photoshop. You can download the reference materials and as well watch the tutorial below and if you have any questions, just write us.


  • Modelling Nokia 5630
  • Modelling using a reference
  • Modeling a high-poly model
  • Using poly-modelling technique
  • Using editable poly to add details
  • Smoothing the object using subdivision

  • 03:10:00

  • 3ds Max 2012
  • Photoshop (optional)