
Swords modeling in 3DsMax

3ds Max swords tutorial

In this video tutorial for 3ds Max we will show you and guide you through modeling three different swords from the medieval age. We will use a simple reference and real units to model the swords and slowly go through making a rough shape until making details using polymodeling technique and 3ds Max. We will make three different swords of different shape and with different depth of details on which you can learn how to step by step create advanced objects using just one and the same primitive. Using subdivision we will achieve smooth surface.

At the end i will show you how to make materials and render for these objects and set up the lightning in 3ds Max using Photometric lights and Mental Ray. After we will render Ambient & Occlusion map together with Z-Depth map for Lens Blur and do some postproduction in Photoshop.

  • Modeling three different swords using a reference
  • Each sword will be modeled with different details
  • Using one primitive to do the whole model
  • Using editable poly to add details
  • Smoothing the object using subdivision
  • Materials using Arch&Design and Raytrace
  • Lightning using MR Photometric Lights
  • Rendering, Ambient & Occlusion map and Z-Depth map
  • Postproduction in Photoshop

  • 03:30:00

  • 3ds Max 2012
  • Photoshop (optional)