
3D Creative #76 is out


Already cover image show us, what we can expected from new issue of 3DCreative. In this issue start 2 new amazing series.  The first series we will discuss is the series that has provided this month’s cover image. Topology is a fundamental subject of 3D. If you want to be able to animate and manipulate your model you need to be working with clean topology. In this series Diego Maia will be showing us how to create clean topology and how to clean it up if your model requires it. In this issue he starts with an introduction to topology and shows us how to handle topology in some of the trickier areas.

The second of our new series introduced this month is quite different. In this series Andrzej Sykut will be showing us how to mix 3D with photography, using one of the trickiest subject matters to do this, the human body. By creating 3D mechanical parts and adding them to his photographs, Andrzej will be showing us how to create stunningly realistic Cyborgs.

This month’s issue contains the final chapter in our Cartoon animal series where we learn how to create a cool sloth and in SwordMaster Series Gavin Goulden will be showing us how to turn our high poly sculpt into a games ready low-poly character. And that is not all what brings this issue.


What else you can find there:

- Interview with Mariano Steiner

- Gallery of 10 of the Best 3D Artworks

- Tutorial series

Swordmaster 2 - Low Poly Model
Cyborgs – Human Hand
Cartoon Animals - Sloth
Topology - An introduction to Topology

- „Making Of“ Jester Project Overview by Raphael Boyon

- Promotion: Digital Art Masters: V6 - Free book chapter



For purchase this issue, visit: 3D Creative magazine