Visual Effects Society Scholarships Pograms

Default pictre of 3d-sphere

To obtain the scholarship applicants have to complete the application form and they have to provide a url to a digital portfolio of their work, completed application and supplemental materials as referenced in the application process. Some applications can be vetted by members of VES Scholarship Committee. After considering the recommendations of the Commission, VES Board of Directors will make the final decision on who will be the lucky one. Deadline is 17th June.

VES offered three scholarships:

VES Peter Ellenshaw Scholarship – if you plan to attend two or four year accredited schools in pursuit of any type of graduate or post-graduate degrees or certificates in fine or graphic arts

VES Douglas Trumbull Scholarship – if you plan to attend any type of industry-recognized school or training program in pursuit of broadening their skill set in the field of visual effects.

VES Albert Whitlock Scholarship – if you plan to attend any type of accredited schools in pursuit of certificates of completion in order to gain marketable skills in visual effects.

For more detailed information and applications form please visit: Visual Effect Society Scholarships